General on work of
office China warns that inappropriate intervention might open pandora box the us
could not perform miracles, but it could do much more to prevent conflict as
well as peace, the associated with ireland told the general assembly this
morning, as it took up consideration of the secretary general report on the work
of the manufacturer.The prohibition team, collection by the department of
political affairs, Was a vital development, he Was quoted saying.In addition,
the protection council had also paid close attention to conflict
prevention.United nations efforts in tapping the potential for non governmental
actors, on the flip side, required command and resources, in which case,
political will for the membership.The associated with cyprus said the security
council remained the sole source of legitimate use of armed force when dealing
with breaches of peace and when systematic and gross violations of human rights
were involved.But the charter provisions could not be updated or replaced.If
interventions outside the purview of the un were accepted, a pandora's box could
perhaps be opened.It might encourage militant separatists to create conditions
of bloodshed conducive to involvement.Respect for the sovereignty and the
territorial stability of states, and non interference in their internal affairs
must not be seen as an impediment to the shielding of human rights.China's
associate said the 1972 anti ballistic missile(Abm)Treaty Was very important
cornerstone of global strategic stability.The united nations should continue to
pay serious attention to and take necessary actions to prevent a certain
country's move to undermine global strategic stability through the creation of a
national missile defence system.Regarding the"Dilemma of input, china believed
that the un should make more positive contributions to stopping humanitarian
crises, but should know about the risk of inappropriate intervention.Big powers
and blocs of countries should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity
of the nation involved, rather than exploit humanitarian treatment in order to
interfere in its internal affairs or trigger new conflicts.Germany
characteristic said that the brahimi report on peacekeeping Operations had
highlighted two essential needs:The requirement of better training and the
necessity for quicker response time.Through the creation of a german general
assembly plenary 1a website ga/9781 29th meeting('m)27 September 2000 global
marketplace training centre, Germany sought to handle both needs.The training
centre for civilian personnel to be deployed in global marketplace peacekeeping
missions, set up in july 1999, aimed to create a reserve including trained
experts suited for the most diverse tasks and not limited to one single type of
deployment.A special civilian personnel database had already been established to
create a quasi standby facility designed to support essential missions in the
crucial start up phase, when prescreened personnel were most urgently needed.The
specialists of norway, colombia, kuwait, asia, bhutan, belarus, ukraine,
ecuador, croatia, uzbekistan, usa arab emirates, brazilian, peru, senegal,
malaysia and the euro federation also spoke.To continue deliberation over the
secretary general's report.General assembly plenary 3 website article ga/9781
29th meeting(Was)27 September 2000 Assembly Work Programme The General Assembly
this morning started consideration of the report of the Secretary General on the
work of the business, Which was before the Assembly as document A/55/1 remedy
1.As per the secretary general, the past year has reminded us that the external
community has not yet met its goal of working together to better the lives of
people still left behind.The secretary general observes that since last sept,
new wars have erupted in several parts found on earth, devastation from rental
destruction has increased and demands on united nations humanitarian agencies
vastly exceeded worst case predictions.The report covers such subjects as
creating peace and security;Meeting relief commitments;Cooperating for
structure;The foreign legal order and human rights;And maintaining change.The
assistant general states that, while living standards in much of the third world
have continued to improve, in many of the least western world they remained in
decline.That was remarkably so in sub saharan africa, specifically how aids,
violent inconsistency and, occasionally, predatory behaviour by government
authorities and political factions have taken a heavy toll, while per capita
economic the assistance of the richer world has declined dramatically.As a a
reaction to past events, including genocide in rwanda in 1994 and the massacre
in srebrenica in 1995, the secretary general established a high level panel
chaired by lakhdar brahimi to undertake a major review and recommend ways of
making certain future peace Operations will be effective.The panel's strategies
for change are realistic and cogently argued, as per the report.Although, the
secretary general notes that no objective observer could doubt that the present
day level of secretariat support for peacekeeping Operations is inadequate,
citing the style of 12, 000 troops in sierra leone being supported by only five
staff at us headquarters.O national government would dream of deploying a
comparably sized military mission overseas with such a minimal home office
support unit, he pronounces.Like other great changes ever sold, the admin
general observes, globalization creates losers combined with winners.It was
clear that no country had developed successfully by rejecting the options
offered by international trade and foreign direct investment.On top of that,
engagement with the global economy alone is no panacea for rapid increase, and
other measures domestic as well as international are necessary to make
globalization work for all.In the past decade, many informal coalitions have
emerged to pursue cooperative methods to commonProblems, the admin general
notes.Those global policy structures, many times called"Coalitions for
transition, transcend both physical and political boundaries.Recent for example
the campaigns to reduce global warming, ban landmines and provide help with debt
for developing countries.The us, because of its universality, authenticity and
broad mandates, has unique convening and complete building roles to play in such
coalitions.The assistant general proposes a"Global sleek and stylish"By which
private corps would commit themselves to observing good practices, as defined by
the broader crucial community, in other locations of human rights, labour and
air, the report links.Corporations have joined it because the values the compact
promotes will help create the stable and secure environment that business needs
if it is to flourish in the long run.Labour and civil society services have also
joined, the particular global compact also upholds their values.As regards to
peace and security, the secretary general remarks that the demands made on the
not reflect a shift in the nature of the threats to peace and security since the
end of the cold war.Where conflicts were once driven by the ideological
partitions of a bipolar world, vehicle fuelled by ethnic and religious
intolerance, politics ambition and greed, and are often made worse by the
illicit traffic in arms, gems and medications.Us peacemakers, peacekeepers and
peace builders all over have begun to cooperate more closely than ever with
governments and other actors within the united nations system, with local
bodies, with non governmental people and with the private sector to help create
the basis for good governance and the peaceable resolution of differences
between parties.From says on the tragedies in srebrenica and rwanda, clear
instructions emerged, such as the need for joint action by member states and the
secretariat to strengthen the instrument of peacekeeping;Value of providing
adequate resources to meet mission needs and to ensure that a credible deterrent
capacity is maintained;The significance of preparedness for"For the worst
situation"Problems;And the need for more effective and timely analysis of
knowledge from the field.The need for political deal with initiate and sustain
Operations is critical.Making reference to"The dilemma of input, the secretary
general asks how the abroad community can respond to gross and systematic
violations of human rights, if humanitarian intervention may be known an
unacceptable assault on sovereignty.He states that kind in which universally
accepted human rights are being violated on a massive scale, the world has an
obligation to act.The secretary general recalls that large the international
community has agreed that preventing armed conflict is critical to achieving
lasting human security.Early warning and conflict prevention capacities have
been increased.The department of political affairs has generated a prevention
team to identify conflict situations that may offer potential for preventive
action.While using secretary general, peacekeeping has become more advanced
because peacekeepers must now undertake a greatly expanded range of tasks.Beyond
interposition forces and multidisciplinary procedure to assist parties to
implement agreements, peacekeepers over the past year have assumed
responsibility for interim organizations in kosovo and east timor, as an
example.The assumption of those new obligations has required that the united
nations expand and adapt the profile of peacekeepers in the field.Events over
the past year have demonstrated how important it is to successfully deploy
forces rapidly, says the send, and have revealed the restrictions in the
critical areas of logistics, finance and hr.As a result of more and more complex
mandates, the firm faces increased demands on the same or fewer resources.Noting
the uneven great sanctions, which can have unintended side effects on civilians
and neighbouring states, the secretary general states that he shares the
consensus view emerging among member states that the design and setup of
security council sanctions need to be cheap tiffany
earrings improved, and their management enhanced.Such changes would
allow for a more prompt and effective response to present and future threats to
abroad peace and security.Future sanctions regimes should be designed so as to
maximize the risk of inducing the target to comply with security council
resolutions, and to minimize the secondary effects of the sanctions on the
civilian population and other states.Addressing the topic of disarmament, the
secretary general states that global military expenditures increased in 1999 the
very first time in the post cold war period.Despite some progress in the
decrease in nuclear weapons, there is deep concern within the world community at
the continuing risk posed by such weapons.The results of the 2000 review
conference of the parties to the treaty on the non expansion of nuclear weapons
are, explanation, of excessive importance.The universalization of the convention
on the prohibition of your production, producing, stockpiling and use of
chemical weapons and of their break down(Chemical weapons norm)And the speedy
negotiation of a protocol to strengthen the convention on the prohibition of the
fabrication and stockpiling of bacteriological(Scientific)And toxin weapons and
on their wreckage(Biological weapons seminar)Are potential goals. In the chapter
onMeeting relief commitments, The Secretary General states that complex
humanitarian emergencies and rental destruction have marked the past
year.Coordination of international humanitarian action has been seen as the
implementation of innovative approaches in major emergencies in kosovo and east
timor.But nevertheless, it had been clear for some time that the point response
mechanism for internally displaced persons needs to be reviewed, he keeps.Some
reviews have been undertaken.The central premise is that responsibility for
internally displaced persons lies first with their national government.For the
delivery of humanitarian services, the admin general notes that, over 1999, life
food programme(Wfp)Has provided food aid to nearly 89 million people
international, 75 per cent of whom were women and youngsters.Associated with
past year, the world health arrangement(People individuals who else)Has called
focus on such critical global health threats as malaria, poliomyelitis, hiv/aids
and maternal death rate, providing data that is critical for coordinated
planning and launch of assistance, both in emergencies and post crisis
renovation.In intercontinental terms, there has been little change in what
amount of refugees, aided by conflicts in africa, kosovo, distance timor and
chechnya.In the analysis, the secretary general says that among the challenges
that must be faced in pick up are the plight of internally displaced persons;The
growing tendency to deny humanitarian agencies access to war affected
regions;Security of refugee brimming areas;And the safety of non profit
staff.Another major doing will be a call to reaffirm the 1951 convention
relating to the status of refugees as the universal foundation of refugee
protection.The office of the not high commissioner for refugees(Unhcr)Plans to
initiate a process of global consultations with senior government reps and
refugee protection experts, with the aim of clarifying provisions for refugee
protection in situations not fully taught in convention.Regarding coOperation
for pattern, the secretary general report states that a very powerful
development goal of the united nations must continue to be the elimination of
poverty worldwide, along with promotion of sustainable and equitable growth.The
poorest countries still fight to attract private capital, and this means they
continues to rely on official development assistance.Effective social
acceleration policies in the areas of health, education and welfare also support
the rise process.Throughout the last year, two clear generation challenges have
emerged, the claim notes.First, how can effective participation of all countries
in the global trading plan be assured?Second, how can the advancement of social
and environmentally friendly objectives be integrated with economic and
financial strategies?The easing of the economic and financial crisis of the late
1990s has provided a strategic window to consider reforms, including the reform
of elements of the unusual financial architecture.System wide community of those
issues is continuing.The secretary general attaches great importance to the high
level event on financing for evolution, discussed for 2001.The report also draws
attention to necessity for reliable statistics, for better coOperation and for
progress in the Operational performance, if effective development policies are
found.Depending on report, the five year review of the outcome of the world
summit for social development committed the external community to halving the
proportion of people living on one dollar a day by 2015.The secretary general
called on the millennium assembly to endorse this commitment and to commit the
time necessary to achieve it.Especially true, a new commitment for developing
and industrialized countries to transform paper targets into concrete
achievements is needed.The report notes that poverty eradication is a complex
task and states that the us development group is currently developing practical
options for country teams to implement strategies.Any poverty alleviation
strategy needs to center on education, healthcare, urbanization and effective
co-Operation.In the record, the secretary general details two overriding aims
for pleasant development:To meet the economic needs of the present generation
without compromising the ability of our children and grandchildren to also meet
their needs;And to protect the planet in the process.Those challenges are
compounded by the burden that continuing population growth is placing around the
world physical resources.The secretary general reports on quite initiatives
taken in this field under the auspices of the commission on sustainable
development, such as the upcoming 10 year review of the us conference on
environment and development(Unced).He highlights the need for this opportunity
to reassess what progress has or has not been made towards meeting the ambitious
targets established by the conference.The report also looks at progress made
within five year review of the copenhagen summit and the five year review of the
beijing conference, and for ageing and disability, drug control and crime
anticipation.It highlights the need for resolutions adopted by united nations
conferences and stresses that they must be followed up at country level.National
policy must take pleasure in the evolving international consensus on better ways
of promoting human development, the assistant general states.The secretary
general expresses concern relating to the hiv/aids pandemic, which is destroying
the economical and social fabric in the countries most affected, reversing years
of declining death rates and causing dramatic rises in mortality among younger
people.Video game of 1999, it was determined that 34.3 million adults and
children virtually were living with HIV/AIDS.The report states that sub saharan
africa is among the most affected region, with a complete of 24.5 million people
experiencing HIV/AIDS.The secretary general called on the millennium summit to
adopt a decrease in new infections by 25 per cent among 15 to 24 year olds in
the most affected african countries as a goal.The report also states that
there's a critical need for additional financing resources and development
assistance.Minimal $3 billion per year is needed in africa alone.The secretary
general report elaborates on the significance of bridging the digital divide, as
only 5 per cent of the world population currently has access to the on-Line
world.Nine out of ten the world population is denied the economic and social
benefits that the information and communication technology revolution can
offer.The report chapter on cooperation for engineering ends with a section on
africa, containing information on the breadth and depth of not initiatives and
programmes there.Consist of preventive diplomacy, peacekeeping, electoral aid,
non profit and emergency relief, post conflict renovation, the geographical
advice, support for internet online connection, and economic and social progress
assistance.Preaching about human rights, the secretary general reports that the
past year has been one of debt relief, progress and work.The unhcr has developed
strategies to promote cooperation with regional and subregional organizations
and international banking companies.Such cooperation is the key to creating a
code of human rights and upholding it.The secretary general reports that this is
not several new developments in human rights over the past year.At its 2000
program, the economical and social council established a permanent forum on
indigenous issues, may advise the council.All the way through april, the
commission on human rights adopted two cutting edge resolutions, on good
governance and on female's rights to land.A special debate was also held on
poverty and the fantastic of human rights, which authorized a human righ
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